7 Strategies For Successful Parenting

Every parent wants to be successful in raising happy and contented children who reach adulthood as mature, responsible, and caring individuals.

But as every parent knows, these worthy goals are not reached quickly or easily. Indeed, at times raising kids may seem like the most difficult task in the world, and one could long for a failsafe step by step guide to success.

Unfortunately, no such good parenting ‘manual’ exists.

However, thankfully there are many wise parenting strategies and parenting skills which have been tried and tested and passed down through the ages from those who have found the secrets of successful parenting.

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Here are seven of such parenting strategies and child-rearing practices to help you navigate your way through the amazing maze of how to be a good parent.

1. Be loving and affectionate

When a baby arrives in your arms as a helpless bundle of joy, there is one thing it needs above all else, and that is love and affection.

Research has even suggested that babies with very affectionate and attentive mothers grow up to be happier, more resilient, and less anxious adults.

For most parents, it comes naturally to kiss and cuddle their precious little one and lavish them with affection. As the years begin to slip away, sometimes the expressions of love and affection start slipping away too.

It is normal and understandable for a parent to adapt to new ways of showing love to their child overtime – after all, some teenagers would be embarrassed if their parents were to hug them in public.

But there are countless parenting techniques and ways of keeping the connection strong and letting your children know that you love them just as much as you did when they were babies.

2. Hold onto your faith

When parents have a shared faith that they impart to their children, this sets a firm foundation within the home.

As the famous saying goes, ‘the family that prays together stays together.’ Being part of a wider community of faith also gives stability and a sense of belonging.

When you and your children participate together in the traditions and activities of your faith, it will forge a strong bond between you.

This is also true when you reach out as a family to help others, and children learn the gift of giving and being grateful for all their blessings rather than living in a self-absorbed sphere.

3. Emphasize the importance of relationships

Emphasize the importance of relationships

Relationships are the common currency of this life. From the first breath we take in life, we are bombarded and surrounded by other people to whom we must inevitably relate.

Effective parenting, therefore, involves teaching your children the importance of relating well to others.

It is never possible (or even commendable) to be liked by everyone, but it is necessary to show respect and dignity to all.

Our parenting advice on how to be a better parent would include teaching children effective relationship skills by your child’s role model.

When you as parents maintain a positive and healthy relationship with each other as well as with others around you, your children will learn valuable lessons from you which they can use in their future.

4. Teach problem-solving skills

One of the many certainties of life is that there are sure to be obstacles and problems along the way. These problems are often blessings in disguise because they teach you invaluable lessons.

While grappling and struggling to overcome a problem, you develop strength and stamina, which in turn helps you to overcome even greater hurdles.

One of the best parenting strategies and positive parenting techniques is to teach your children to see problems as a challenge that can be overcome.

Show them how to weigh their options and chose the best way forward, evaluating along the way and persevering until the solution is found.

5. Instill lifelong learning

As a parent, no doubt, one of your biggest concerns is your child’s education.

Seeing your kids sitting at the desk with their homework books, studying diligently is every parent’s dream. But there is much more to education and learning than simply passing the exams and moving up in the grades.

One of the most valuable parenting strategies is to try and give their children a love of knowledge and a desire to know about anything and everything, even if it does not directly relate to their present world.

Along with this, what you would need is a teachable attitude. If you can instill the desire and habit of lifelong learning in your child, they will be well on their way to an exciting and ever-unfolding future.

6. Value health and safety

Health and safety are of primary concern for every family. Parents can teach their children these important values by paying careful attention to their own health and well being.

Children are very observant and catch on the routines and behaviors of people around them, especially their parents.

Taking time to exercise, eating regular and balanced meals, and getting enough sleep are just a few of the things children will learn from you and surely emulate in their own lives.

When it comes to safety, teach your children the basics of stranger danger and first aid. And make sure they learn how to swim at an early age so that they are safe in the water.

7. Model integrity

Overall, probably the most significant parenting strategy parents can use to rear their children successfully is simply to be a model of integrity.

The old saying “do what I say, not what I do” is definitely not going to work.

If you want your children to grow up as decent human beings, then you need to show them what that means in your everyday life i.e., lead by example.

Let your children see you working hard, keeping your promises and never lying, being respectful to others, especially your spouse, and saying please and thank you.

It’s the little things that children notice and remember, sometimes forever.

Parenting is a platform that evolves with every new generation, and given the significance it has on mankind, future parents should keeping searching for better parenting strategies.

Be it parenting tips for toddlers, or simply some good parenting tips, keep looking for ways to hone your craft and ensure that you never stop growing as parents.

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