Health experts explain when the rooting reflex develops, what its purpose is, and more.
When your baby finally leaves the womb and reaches the outside world, it’s a lot to take in—for both of you. Thankfully, newborns are equipped with a few inherent skills to help them navigate their new surroundings. Many of these skills, or reflexes, are developed during pregnancy and are ready to be used right after birth.
One of these instincts is known as the rooting reflex, which helps your baby with an incredibly important task: finding their food. Here, we’ll cover more about the rooting reflex, when it develops, how it goes hand in hand with the sucking reflex, and when it’s best to contact a healthcare provider.
What Is the Rooting Reflex?
A baby’s rooting reflex exists in order to help them find and latch onto a nipple or bottle during feeding in the early weeks of life. Like other reflexes, this behavior is involuntary, and is part of your baby’s development.
“The rooting reflex refers to an instinct for infants to turn their heads and open their mouths in response to touch or stimulation on or near their cheek or mouth,” explains Dawnita Wicks, R.N., I.B.C.L.C., lactation consultant at Emulait, adding that this instinct is a survival mechanism for newborns.
Your baby’s rooting reflex will occur naturally, but you can also activate it yourself. “When you stroke a hungry baby’s cheek or mouth, they may turn their head toward your hand and open their mouth, looking for the breast or a bottle,” explains Rebecca Agi, M.S., I.B.C.L.C. Los Angeles-based lactation consultant, founder of Best Milk LA, and member of the Parents Expert Review Board. Agi adds that rooting is essential for both survival and growth, as it helps babies find the breast or bottle and initiate feeding.
When Does the Rooting Reflex Develop?
Because the rooting reflex is a primitive response, it develops at birth. Keep in mind that it doesn’t matter whether you breastfeed or bottle feed—the rooting reflex will be present in your little one either way.
“The reflex is triggered by the touch or stimulation of the cheek or mouth, regardless of whether [your baby’s food] comes from the breast or a bottle,” says Wicks. “The rooting reflex helps guide the newborn toward the source of milk.”
How Long Does the Rooting Reflex Last in Babies?
Rooting is a newborn reflex that begins at birth and lasts around three to four months.1 As Wicks explains, during the early months of your baby’s life, their feeding is supported by this ingrained reflex, which helps to ensure that latching is established and milk supply is secured. During this time, your newborn’s neurological and muscular systems are continuing to mature.
By the third or fourth month, those initial reflexes will dissipate and your infant will use what Wicks calls “will and skill” to manage feeding. Babies learn that they do not need to search for a nipple anymore and that they will be fed regularly. They may even begin to turn away from a breast or bottle if they are not hungry.
Other Cues Your Baby Is Hungry
Besides noticing the rooting reflex, there are other signs to watch out for that could indicate that your baby might be hungry:
- Hand-to-mouth reflex: As an early sign they are hungry, babies may bring their hands to their mouths and start sucking on them.
- Mouthing or smacking lips: Newborns may exhibit repetitive movements with their mouth, such as licking or smacking their lips, or making sucking motions.
- Nuzzling: Babies may also nuzzle against a breast or the bottle, trying to find the nipple and initiate feeding. Wicks adds that you may also see babies rooting or nuzzling on other caregivers’ noses or chins looking for food.
- Crying: This is a later-stage sign that often means earlier hunger cues were missed, points out Agi. “The cry associated with feeding tends to have a ‘nah’ sound to it,” adds Wicks. “It is a distinct cry and once you hear it, you will likely always recognize it.”
What’s the Difference Between the Rooting Reflex and the Sucking Reflex?
In addition to the rooting reflex, your newborn develops a sucking reflex that also aids in feeding. But there’s a key difference between the two—the rooting reflex helps your baby initiate a feeding, while the sucking reflex helps them express the milk. In other words, your baby uses their rooting reflex to find a nipple. Once the nipple touches the roof of their mouth, they automatically begin to suck in order to receive milk. This sucking reflex is fully developed in babies at around the 36th week of pregnancy.2
What If My Baby Still Demonstrates the Rooting Reflex After Feeding?
While the rooting reflex is helpful in determining hunger, it may not be as clear at indicating whether your baby has a full belly. If your newborn is still showing a rooting reflex after a feeding, it doesn’t necessarily mean they want more milk.
“The presence of a reflex for a few moments doesn’t always indicate more milk is needed,” says Wick. Instead, she says to watch for the following signs to ensure your baby is getting enough to eat:
- Your baby actively nurses, preferably with their open eyes, most of the feeding.
- If bottle-fed, your baby should consume a certain number of ounces of milk or formula that correspond with their age.
Wick also suggests that after a feeding, if you can, you might want to rest your baby on your chest in the skin-to-skin position with a blanket tucked under your arm. Be sure to cradle your baby at at least 45 degrees, or in the upright position. Burp your infant for just a few minutes, and let them rest for around 15 minutes. “If baby relaxes, they are most likely satiated,” she adds. “But if feeding cues persist and intensify, then baby might like dessert!”
When to Call a Health Care Provider About the Rooting Reflex
Once you notice your baby’s rooting reflex begin, it’s important to keep an eye on how long it lasts. Typically, a baby will stop rooting around four months. If the reflex extends beyond that point, you should reach out to a pediatrician or health care provider since it could, in some cases, signal an issue with their nervous system.3 You should also always give a health care provider a call if you don’t notice the rooting reflex at all, or if you have any additional concerns about your child’s development.
“Don’t forget every baby is different, and their hunger cues can vary,” points out Wick. “You will know your baby best by observing and understanding their individual hunger signals and being able to respond appropriately.”
Of course, if something feels off, it’s always best to speak with a health care provider for guidance and reassurance.