6 Steps to More Effective Parenting

For young children, parents and other primary caregivers are perhaps the most important and influential people in the world. It is they who equip their young ones with the vital skills and resources needed to survive, thrive and, in time, develop into happy, healthy adults.

While there is no single right way to raise children, there are some research-backed steps to more successful parenting. Below we will be outlining these steps, which have been proven beneficial to children’s well-being.

1. Spending quality time together

Long hours at work and a never-ending list of errands can make it hard for a parent to schedule in time for family activities. However, even waking up 10 minutes earlier in the morning to have breakfast at the table, or having a movie night each week, can make a big difference to your little ones.

2. Emphasizing communication

Children like to express their opinions and feel heard just as much as adults do! Negotiating with them and expressing your own feelings in a calm, honest manner will encourage them to do the same while cultivating trust.

3. Leading by example

Modeling the behaviors you wish your children to adopt is much more effective than uttering the authoritative “because I said so.” Working on building healthier habits and relationships for yourself will teach your young ones to do the same. The earlier they acquire positive habits, the likelier that these habits will last.

4. Being consistent

Safe, predictable relationships and environments are essential components in preventing childhood adversity. Consistency in setting rules and sticking to them, as well as in expressing and explaining your own thoughts, means that children know what to expect. This results in a greater feeling of security.

5. Being flexible

A child’s needs change over time. While consistency is key to nurturing trust and independence, it is just as important to show an ability to recognize what things are working and which are not, and to adapt accordingly. It is not just children who learn from their parents; parents can learn from their little ones, too!

6. Showing unconditional love

A parent’s love should have no conditions, as conditions can make children feel like some parts of themselves are undesirable. In situations where you need to confront your child, swap blaming and criticizing with cooperation in resolving the conflict, to avoid hurting their self-esteem.

Following these steps can help us lay down the foundations of a strong, healthy bond with our children, safeguarding their well-being. However, even though as parents we play a pivotal role in their happiness, our little ones continue to be shaped by their surroundings, too, such as their school environment, friend groups, and the online world.

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